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About Me

Hi, I’m Marcia and this is my sweet little family!! Welcome to my blog!

We moved from Kansas City to Colorado in December of 2016. Being in a new town, where I don't know a lot of people, a lot of my friendships have been maintained online and long distance. I feel that having my own online space would be fun for me to connect with other women that are like me. I love to read blogs, watch YouTube tutorials and find fashion inspiration on Instagram; however, now that I am in my forties, I feel a disconnect from a lot of the images that are online.

I have always struggled with confidence.  Growing up I was tall and lanky, awkward, I had horrible acne in my teens and into college.   Always shy, scared to be myself or express my opinions for fear that others wouldn't like me.  That is, until I turned 40! There is such an amazing awakening that happens on that magical birthday! And, the one thing that I have learned is that I feel really confident when I have on an outfit that makes me feel good and when I have been taking care of myself (eating well and consistently working out)! Can you relate?

This blog is for busy women, in their forties that just want to feel good in their skin and their clothes.  Women that feel as though it gets harder with age to maintain our level of fitness and keep the weight off.  We just want to feel confident and rock any outfit we choose!

Pretty Fit

Pretty Fit Style promises to help you find fun fitness ideas that easily fit into your busy lifestyle by making fitness FUN and EASY!  I am always researching the newest fitness trends, especially those that are most effective for women in their 40's.  I am very passionate about home workouts, as it is the only way that I have been able to stay consistent and within budget.

I believe that your best weight is whatever weight you reach when you are living the healthiest life you actually enjoy living!

Join my FREE Pretty Fit Community here.

Pretty Style

I LOVE clothes and what I LOVE even more is recreating high end looks on a budget!! I  work from home, so finding motivation to get up, get dressed and get ready for the day can be a challenge.  I am living the dream - working from home in my yoga pants - but I do miss getting dressed and feeling pretty. 

My goal is to address the needs for women in their forties to know that it is possible to be fit, trendy and fabulous, despite your age.  We understand that the forties and beyond are our best years and we want to feel our best and age with grace.